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How to say innovation is immutable and frozen
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Case Product Solutions
Case Product Solutions
说明: 1.  Advantage:A. Prevent the adhesion among rice and noodles.B. Promote rice and noodles to absorb more water; to improve iustrousness, improve products quality and extend shelf life.                                                              C. Prevent starch aging and improve mouth feel.D. Increase the output of final product, reduce cost and increase the yield.2.  Production Process:                  Blank control              SSPS                         ...
说明: 1. Application of Soy Fiber in Fermented MilkAdvantage:A. As a crude fiber, soy fiber can not be digested and absorbed by the human body. Soy fiber catch customers’ attention as a clean label product. B. Can be used as a thickener to add into yogurt in order to provide a better structure and taste than modified starch.C. Can be used as stabilizer to improve the stability of the product.  2. Application of Soy Fiber in Meat ProductsAdvantage:A. High water holding capacity which is conducive to the formation of the product structure to prevent syneresis. B. Can be used in meat products to agglomerate the aroma components without dissipating C. Can be used as a jelly in fish balls, beef balls, and others to provide a firm and chewy texture D. To strengthen the protein content and pa...
案例名称: R&D Strength
说明: 1. Independent R&D lab is established in Zhengzhou and Pingdingshan city.2. Advanced experimental facilities: UHT, GEA homogenizer, HPIC, AKTA AVANT, Brookfield viscometer, GE ultrafiltration,imported thermoelectric centrifuge, spray dryer, freeze dryer, fermentation cylinder imported from Germany, it can simulate many types of testing conditions to provide comprehensive technical supports for customers.3. Cooperate with East China Normal University, Shanghai University of Science and Technology, the state key laboratory from Jiangnan University, and national engineering laboratory of grain(wheat)  intensive processing from Henan University of Technology, to deeply study the soybean industry and continuously improve the technical content and level of the p...
Sales:Caifuguangchang#3-1202, Jingsan Road, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou